Eumundi Frangipanis
Before you attempt to contact us, please gather some information from this website first.
To find out if delivery to your area is possible or not, and how much, please see our frangipani plant delivery page.
If you wish to visit us, please see our frangipani nursery visitors page.
To send a message or request a call back regarding a visit or an existing order, please send an sms message to my mobile number. I will try to message you back as soon as I can and if I need to call you back, it will most likely be around 11am.

As a second option, you can send a message to our office mobile. 0435 351 354
Please note, we use this number to receive messages, ONLY. Calls are usually not answered and voice messages are not checked.

enquiry @
Please note that two of our email addresses are shown here. The email address which is shown in the image is more private and should land in my inbox. The other email address is widely available, so it receives a lot of junk mail. If you use this one, your email will likely go to my junk email with all the other junk email.
Contact Forms
If you send us a form, a copy will go directly to my inbox for me to look at daily until I reply. Whether I send a short quick reply or take a few days to send a more thoughtful detailed reply, our email conversation is stored in email.
2017 to 2022
We’ve had contact forms on our websites since around 2009 but in 2017, we refreshed our websites and created new contact forms. Around 2020 we started receiving spam messages from automatic computer programs (also called spam bots). We added Google’s reCAPTCHA to our forms. reCAPTCHA is a simple test that only humans can pass. The test is often just a simple check box but if something doesn’t add up, the test becomes more difficult, and the form user has to select from a box of nine images.
For some reason, in 2022, reCAPTCHA started blocking every submitted form. After we removed reCAPTCHA from a form, the form would get many spam messages, sometimes more than 100 in a single day so we removed the contact form altogether.
During testing, we created a Test Form which we use to for testing from time to time. I tested this form March 2023 and it worked so I created Contact Form 2023.
The below pages were created in 2017 for contact forms BUT the forms have been removed.
Frangipani Plant Enquiry Form (Disabled 2022)
Make an Appointment (Disabled 2022)
Phone – (07) 5442 8292 (Cancelled 2021)