Our Delivery Areas

We have modified this website to offer cheaper delivery for frangipanis 1.5m and under for delivery to Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. This website is also great for Eumundi nursery collection and using your car. (Bring a tarp, towel or old blanket, potted plants are dirty, and some have little black ants.)

For frangipanis taller than 1.5m and for other areas, please see our other frangipani websites.

Tasmania, Western Australia, Northern Territory, ACT and overseas.

If you’d like delivery outside of Australia or to Tasmania, Western Australia, ACT or Northern Territory, SORRY!

Our Delivery Fees

Our delivery prices are based on what plant delivery companies charge us. If I deliver myself, customers pay the same delivery and also get to meet me. I love meeting our customers too. See our “Delivery fees” page for more information.

South East Queensland

Our online shop on this website currently displays a delivery price for South East Queensland., from Coolangatta near the QLD-NSW border up to Bundaberg.